Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013


Mungkin nggak ada salahnya kalau kita coba-coba menjawab beberapa pertanyaan yang sering muncul apda saat interview atau paling tidak untuk sekadar menambah wawasan:
Open Book.
  1. What is the Piping Code for Design of piping systems in Process Piping, Power Piping?
  2. What is the difference between Pipe and Tube?
  3. What is NB and OD?
  4. From which size onwards NB of pipe equal to OD?
  5. Can you remember what is the OD of the following pipe without looking to the book?
    1/2 in
    3/4 in
    1 in
    2 in
    3 in
    4 in
    6 in
    8 in
    10 in
    12 in
  6. When do we use Eccentric Reducer and Concentric Reducer?
  7. Why can’t we use Concentric Reducer at pump suction ? Explain.
  8. What is the different between Machine Bolt and Stud Bolt?
  9. When do we need Dampener, Expansion Joint and Mechanical Snubber? and Why?
  10. Do you know the rule of thumb for piping stress analysis around the pump? Please describe.
  11. Do you know the rule of thumb for piping stress analysis around compressors, turbine and heat exchanger? Please describe.
  12. Do you know the rule of thumb for piping stress analysis aroound tower or pressure vessel? Please describe.
  13. What is Steam Tracing?
  14. Why Full Bore Pipe is using in connecting pipeline of launcher?
  15. When checking Piping Stress Sketch, what parameter you normaly need to check?
  16. What Code you normaly use for checking the Nozzle load on Compressors, Turbine, Heat Exchanger, Pump, Air Cooler?
  17. What is the ANSI/ASME Code for dimensional Steel Flanges and Fittings?
  18. Name the Flange Facing.
  19. Do you know the flange facing called as AARH?
  20. If you would like to make a branch connection, from which side pipe normaly take the branch connection?
  21. Control Valve. What kind of support arangement on Control Valve?
  22. Why do wee need to provide HPV (High Point Vent) and LPD (Low Point Drain) in Piping?
  23. Do you know about Weldolet, Sockolet? Please Explain.
  24. What is the normal upstream and downstream straight length of orifice flow meter?
  25. What is composite flange?
  26. Do you know about Insulated Joint? Pleas explain.
  27. What are insulating gasket kits?
  28. Have you done the analysis of Jacketed Piping? What do you normaly need to consider during analysis?
  29. What do you need to take into account when performing stress analysis around Tank?
  30. What is the relation between Brinnell Hardness Number and Rockwell Hardness Number?
  31. What is the minimum distance between two welds in a pipe?
  32. During fabrication, you observed that one samll crack has appeared on a fresh plate, what type of measure you will take to obtain desired quality with minimum wastage?
  33. Describe the different types of destructive and non-destructive tests?
  34. What is PWHT? Why is it required?
  35. What is the minimum thickness of pipe that requires stress relieving to be done as per ASME B31.3?
  36. What is NACE MR-0175 for?
  37. Hydrotest Pressure. Do you know how to calculate the test Pressure? Please describe.
  38. Do you know heat exchanger? What fluid in Shell Side and what fluid in Tube Side?
  39. Do you know Glandless Piston Valves. Where these valves are used?
  40. Have you done estimation of piping system during proposal? How do you do that?
  41. Why do we need to do Stress Analysis?
  42. What are the steps in piping stress analysis?
  43. Tell me about the type of the stressess during normal operation?
  44. What do you need to prepare and and then to input into CAESAR II or Autopipe for Stress Analysis?
  45. What type of loads available in the stresss analysis calculation? Please Explain.
  46. Do you know about Load Cases in Stress Analysis? Please Explain.
  47. What is Load Case for Sustained Load, Expansion Load, Stress Range, Occasional Load, Spring?
  48. What is the failure theory under ASME B31.3?
  49. Do you know what type of piping failure during its operation?
  50. What is the desired life cycle for piping during operation?
  51. How to calculate thermal expansion in a pipe?
  52. Do you know SIF (Stress Intensification Factor)? Explain and give some examples?
  53. Pipe Support. What is the pipe support span?
  54. What is the criteria to determine the span of pipe support?
  55. How do we decide an anchor point at Expansion Loop on pipe rack?
  56. What is the steam out condition?
  57. On Heat Exchanger, where do you provide an anchor support and slotted support? and Why?
  58. Do you know PTFE on Support? Why we need that?
  59. Tell me about spring support.Why we need it? And how many type of spring support? Explain as much as you can.
from many sources, including experience
PS: Jawabannya nanti ya..

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